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Fireworks 2024 – musical fireworks!

Fireworks 2024 – musical fireworks!

The firework displays of Bibione’s summer


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Thu 12 Sep



Piazzale Zenith

The firework that breaks into a thousand pieces teaching me wonder, a bit like sea water does when it crashes on the rocks.”
(Fabrizio Caramagna)

Even in 2024 Bibione will give its visitors the opportunity to experience the summer with their gaze turned to the sky and admire the lights and colours of the fireworks displays that have always characterized the key months of our seaside resort.

The last appointment is Piazzale Zenith on the following date:

  • Thursday, 12th September at 11 pm.

Get ready for an explosive season end! A final musical fireworks display, with fireworks synchronized to the notes of music, on the occasion of the now traditional Septemberfest.

In case of bad weather on any of the dates, the event will be postponed to the following evening.

Do you want to know all the other dates? Click here.